Cover Image - 

This is the image that will be displayed in the background of your storefront in the top section when the customers view it. 

You can add whichever picture you think represents your business the best! 

You can add an image via Instagram or through your camera roll or gallery. 

Logo - 

We want your store to be remembered! And what better way than a logo to do that?

You can add your store’s logo directly here and it will be visible to the customers. 

Brand Color - 

Consistency is key! You’ve heard the phrase often but we want you to put it to use. 

Make sure the colors on your storefront’s page are well aligned with your brand guidelines with this feature.

You can select any of the preset colors given to you or enter your own hexcode within this section. This will make the text on your storefront’s page as well as some parts of the page aligned to the color you have chosen. 

You can also preview this and view what your storefront and chatbox look like before confirming it! 

 Connect to Instagram - 

Don’t want to go through the tiring process of adding multiple pictures? We got you covered! 

You get an option to link your Instagram account and all the pictures get imported directly to your account. The customers also get an option to directly visit your Instagram account through this. 

And to directly get them to your store and leave them swooning with what you have to offer, don’t forget to add the store link in your Instagram account’s bio! Let the magic begin right there. 

Minis to Inspire You - 

We found some inspiration for you! 

Since you’re changing what your store looks like, you can open this section to view some Minis that are performing well and see what they’re doing well so that you can also improve. 

Through this, you’ll get to see what an ideal Mini should look like. But remember, we are giving you a blank slate and you can write your story however you like; it’s your canvas, paint it however you want (we’re just here to inspire you a tad bit)!

Keep Mini Info Up To Date - 

  • Name - You can change your store name to whatever you like!
  • Category - You can edit what you specialise in so that your customers understand your offerings better!
  • Bio - Let the customers know what you’re bringing to the table!
  • Phone Number - Tring Tring! Let them call and clear all their doubts.
  • Email ID - Ping! Let all your communication be easily routed through your mailbox.
  • Working Hours - Help your customers know when exactly you will be available. You can put in the days of the week when you’re working along with the time.
  • Dispatch Time - This will help us in giving the customers a rough idea of when their order can reach them. You can enter the minimum as well as the maximum number of days.