Let’s walk you through what your journey would look like - from getting an order to receiving its payment. We’ve got it all covered for you! 

Receiving an Order - 

The customer has visited your storefront and is looking for things they want. But wait, they have some questions. What do they do? They raise a query. 

Post this, you get a notification that takes you to the chatbox with the customer and you can cater to their needs by either showing them the different items you are offering, sending them a pre-made cart link (hyper-link create cart blog here) or negotiating the price. This is your personal space with your customer, and you get to do what’s best for both you and them! 

The customer can also place an order directly from your storefront and you’ll be notified about that. 

Congratulations, you have an order that you need to send out now! 

Getting an Order to the Customer - 

Woohoo, this is your time to shine. Get your order to your customer in the smoothest way possible. 

Your homepage will indicate if you have any pending orders and you can review them in the ‘Orders’ section.

The ‘Orders’ section has four sub-sections, namely, ‘Pending’, ‘Accepted’, ‘For Pickup’ and ‘In Transit’. Each section shows the orders under the section and their corresponding details.

Once you receive an order, it moves to the ‘Pending’ section. You can then review the order and accept it if the items are available or click on ‘Can’t Fulfil’ if you cannot meet the customer’s needs. 

After the order is accepted, it moves to the ‘Accepted’ state. Here, you can choose your delivery mode. There are three delivery options that you get - ‘Manage Delivery Yourself’, ‘Use Swiggy Genie or A Hyper-local Delivery Partner’ and ‘Our Delivery Partners’. For more information on how to choose the perfect delivery partner, click here (hyperlink delivery blog here).

Once you’ve chosen your delivery method, your order will move to the ‘For Pickup’ stage. If you are managing the delivery yourself, it’ll directly move to the ‘In Transit’ stage. 

In the ‘For Pickup’ stage, you’ll be able to see all the orders that are to be picked up and the status of your delivery partner’s arrival will keep getting updated so that you can prepare accordingly. We’ve made this extremely simple for you so you can track everything at the click of a button. 

Now get the balls rolling and get your order ready, it’ll be picked up very soon! 

Once the order has been picked up, it’ll move to the ‘In Transit’ stage. You can track its movement and mark it as delivered as soon as that is done! 

Hurray! Once all of this is done, your order reaches the customer. 

Receiving the Payment for an Order - 

You’re at the last leg now, let’s see how you’ll receive the payments for the orders that have been delivered. 

You can view your payouts directly from the homepage. The ‘Payouts’ section shows the breakup of all the payments you are supposed to get and helps you track them. 

The payouts will be divided into two parts - ‘Completed’ and ‘Pending’. Clicking on any of the tabs will lead you to the details of the specific orders and they payment status. 

To know more about how ‘Payouts’ work, click here. 

Once the payout is completed, the amount will be credited to your account and voila, we’ve reached full circle! 

Give yourself a pat on the back, you’ve gotten an order, prepared it, gotten it delivered and received the payment for it!