
At Minis, we're always looking for ways to improve your shopping experience. That's why we're excited to introduce a feature set to transform how you interact with our products online. Our latest update is designed to make shopping more informative, visually engaging, and ultimately, more compelling. Here’s everything you need to know about these exciting enhancements to our Product Detail Pages.


Goal of the Feature: Inspiring Informed Purchases

The primary goal of this new feature is to enhance the shopping experience on each Product Detail Page by integrating advanced features that not only appeal visually but also provide comprehensive information to help customers make informed purchasing decisions. By enriching the user interface and providing detailed insights into our products, we aim to foster an environment that not only drives customer engagement but also significantly boosts order conversion rates.

Enhancements Overview

  1. Video Feature
    In a first for Minis, sellers can now upload a single video per product. This feature allows for a dynamic presentation of the product in action, giving customers a better sense of its use, quality, and value. Whether it’s a quick show-and-tell, a stylish demo, or an engaging instructional guide, videos can capture nuances that images and text alone cannot convey.
  2. Enhanced Product Descriptions

    a. Highlight Key Product Details
    To further enhance the clarity of product descriptions, we've introduced a new Tabular Description Section. This structured format allows sellers to highlight key product details such as color, fragrance, flavor, material, origin, and more. Each attribute can be customized to best fit the product, ensuring that all relevant information is communicated effectively and elegantly.

    b. Embedded Images
    To further enhance the shopping experience, we now allow the embedding of images within the product descriptions. This feature enables a richer narrative style, allowing sellers to visually communicate the use, benefits, and differentiators of the product, bridging the gap between textual information and visual appeal.

    c. Rich Text Formatting
    Now, you can format your descriptions with options like paragraphs, bullet points, and bold text. Highlighting key points in bold ensures that the most critical information stands out, helping customers to quickly grasp what makes your product special.

What’s in it for your business?

  1. Increased Engagement:
    Videos and multiple images increase the time customers spend on product pages, leading to higher engagement rates.
  2. ​Improved Conversion Rates:
    Detailed, visually supported product descriptions help reduce doubts and answer questions effectively, leading to improved conversion rates.
  3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:
    By providing comprehensive information and visual insights, these features help ensure that customers are confident in their purchase decisions, which can decrease return rates and increase customer satisfaction.

How to access and use the feature?

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Go to the Product Page
    Navigate to the product you want to enhance on the Minis’ Seller App.

  2. Add Photos and Videos
    Just like before, you can see the section to add images, in the same section you will be able to upload video for the product along with 30 images.

  3. Highlight Key Product Details
    Scroll down to find the new tabular description section under the highlight key item. Here, you can add all the essential details about your product, such as color, fragrance, flavor, material, origin, and more. Make sure to fill in each field accurately to provide your customers with comprehensive information.
  4. Enriched Product Descriptions
    Below the tabular description, you'll find space to craft a detailed product description. Use this opportunity to highlight the unique features, benefits, and uses of your product. You can also incorporate images within the description to make it more visually appealing and engaging.

These enhancements are part of our commitment to helping you succeed in the competitive world of online retail by providing tools that not only meet but exceed the expectations of modern shoppers. Get ready to transform your product presentations with Minis and watch your business grow!

Try out this feature now!

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