You can click on ‘Review Order’ and then you have the option to either accept the orders or let the customers know that you cannot fulfil the orders. 

- Once you click on ‘Accept’ the order will move from the ‘Pending’ state to the ‘Accepted’

- If you click on ‘Can’t Fulfil’, a pop up will appear which will give you the option to chat with the customer and inform them. You can do that and if you don’t want to, you’ll still have to input the reason for order rejection. For this, you will get four options -

  • Items are out of stock 
  • Not accepting orders currently
  • Customer is not responding 
  • Customer’s address is not serviceable 

Once you click on an option, you can explain the reason further and upon confirming this, your order will move to the ‘Cancelled/Rejected’ section in ‘Past Orders’.