Congratulations, on setting up your digital store on Minis! Now, it's time to take it to the next level and increase those sales. As a seller, we know that this is something you're constantly striving for. Don't worry, we have your back. We've put together some of the best practices that can help you grow your business and boost your sales on Minis. Get ready to take your store to new heights. 

Grow on Instagram 

Turn your Instagram followers into paying customers with your Minis link. Make the most of Instagram by boosting traffic to your store and increasing conversions with faster and more reliable checkouts.


2. Announce your presence on Minis via Stories

Spread the word, share a story and help your customers explore a better, more streamlined way of shopping from you. Add the link to shop from Minis in your story. 

3. Instagram feed post or carousel

Share your presence as an Instagram post or a carousel of products with screenshots of what your storefront looks like. 

4. Instagram Reels
Create video-based vertical content with groovy music that strikes a chord with your audience. Reels can help boost your reach and become the primary driver of discovery for your products. Create reels using actual product images, product screens from Minis and get your customers hooked. 

Instagram Pro Tip : We recommend you complete your profile by uploading your catalog, your business location, your Instagram handle and your Facebook page. This helps in building credibility with the users.

Grow on Facebook

Facebook is a powerful tool for sellers looking to build, manage, and scale business. Link your Mini and give your shoppers a balance of choices.

Grow using WhatsApp for Business

Power the shopping experience for your customers on the most popular and favorite messaging channel and increase sales directly on WhatsApp with your Mini’s link.

Here are some templates which you can use for all your social media posts.

Here you can  download the Minis logo and use it.