Offer discounts now to convert your visitors to customers

Have you been looking for a new way to entice customers to shop on your Ministore?

If so, look no further because we have just launched an exciting new feature that will help you increase conversions and grow your business!

COUPONS – now you can create coupons and offer discounts to your customers to make shopping on your Ministore even more irresistible.

With this feature, You can now create two types of discount coupons: flat-rate coupons, which offer a fixed discount, and percentage-based coupons, which offer a discount based on a percentage of the cart value.

Your coupons will be visible to the customer on your storefront, product pages and the cart page. If there are more than one active coupon the customer is eligible for, they can click on ‘View all coupons’ to choose the one they wish to use. You will be view the coupon code used on an order whenever a customer uses a coupon.  

Your coupon performance and analytics will be shared over your registered email every week so you can easily track the success of your coupons and discounts to determine which offers are the most effective. This way, you can get an insight into what your customers actually want, and tailor your offers accordingly.

How to get started with Coupons?

Click on 'My Store' > Under 'Configure your store' section, you can find 'Coupons & discounts > '+ Create new coupon'
Choose Coupon type based on your requirement > Add all relevant details and create a coupon code > Voila! Your coupon is activated!

How do I create a flat discount coupon?

A Flat Off coupon allows you to set a flat discount which is deducted from the cart total. For example, if your coupon offers a flat Rs. 100 off, it will be deducted from the total cart value. You can choose to have a flat off coupon on any cart value, or you can choose to set a minimum order post which the coupon becomes applicable. 

Click on 'My Store' > Under 'Configure your store' section, you can find 'Coupons & discounts > '+ Create new coupon' > Choose 'Fixed amount discountAdd all relevant details and create a coupon code

How do I create a percentage coupon?

A percentage off discount coupon allows you to offer a percentage discount off on the cart total. For e.g. 10% off on the cart total of Rs. 100 gives your customer a Rs. 5 discount. 

You can create 4 types of percentage off discounts:

  1. A flat percentage discount is applied to any cart amount irrespective of cart value.
    (Example: Get 5% off an all orders)
  2. Percentage off basis minimum cart value applicable when the cart total exceeds a minimum value set by you
    (Example: Get 20% off on a minimum order value of Rs. 200).
  3. Percentage discount up to Rs. X allows you to offer a discount up to a chosen amount irrespective of cart value
    (Example: Flat 10% off up to Rs 100).
  4. Finally, percentage discount on a minimum cart, up to Rs. X allows you to offer a discount that goes up to a certain value that only applies to a cart of a minimum value as defined by you
    (Example: 20% off on a minimum order of Rs. 500, up to Rs. 100)
Click on 'My Store' > Under 'Configure your store' section, you can find 'Coupons & discounts > '+ Create new coupon' > Choose 'Percentage discount'  Add all relevant details and create a coupon code

How to deactivate a coupon?

If you wish to disable a coupon,  head over to My Store, click on 'Coupons & Discounts' under ‘Configure your store’. Here you will be able to see all active coupons. You can toggle them as ‘active’ and ‘Inactive’.

Click on 'My Store' > Under 'Configure your store' section, you can find 'Coupons & discounts > You can see your active/inactive coupons here

Things to remember when creating a coupon

  1. Once a coupon is created it will be visible to all customers; Coupon creation for a specific group of customers will be coming soon!

  2. Coupons will be valid for all products in the catalog.

  3. Coupons will not be applicable on delivery and additional charges.

  4. You can create a coupon code with a maximum of 12 and a minimum of 3 characters, and only alpha-numeric characters are accepted. 

For any concerns, please write to us at