In the world of e-commerce, creating an attractive and intuitive storefront is crucial for success.  A storefront serves as the virtual entrance to an online store, making a strong first impression on visitors. It sets the stage for their browsing experience and influences their perception of the brand and products. Minis recognizes the importance of providing sellers with tools to showcase their products effectively. In line with this objective of enhancing visual appeal and ease of browsing, Minis now introduces a valuable addition to sellers' toolkit -  a revamped storefront page with ability to switch between list-view and grid-view for catalog display.

Understanding the benefits to find the perfect fit for your catalog

Let's delve deeper into the benefits of each view and how they can enhance the overall shopping experience.

List View:

Minis has a default list-view option for those who prefer a more traditional approach. The list-view feature provides a simple, clean, and easy-to-navigate interface that displays product information in a structured format. Here are the advantages of utilizing the list view:

1. Enhanced product visibility: List view provides dedicated space for each product, ensuring clear visibility and avoiding clutter. Each item is showcased individually, allowing customers to focus on one product at a time. This enhanced visibility increases the chances of products capturing the attention of potential buyers.

2. Easy scrolling and navigation: This layout ensures a simplified scrolling experience, allowing customers to easily browse through the catalog, exploring different products at their own pace.

3. Minimalistic and clean presentation:  This uncluttered approach can provide a more professional and sophisticated look to the storefront. It allows each product to stand out on its own, making it easier for customers to focus on the details and characteristics that matter to them.

Grid View:

The grid view presents products in a visually appealing grid formation with two items per row, creating a visually rich and immersive experience. Here are the advantages of utilizing the grid view:

1. Visual impact: Grid view utilizes images to capture attention, making it particularly effective for stores where product appearance plays a vital role. High-quality images can entice customers and evoke curiosity, leading to increased engagement and potential conversions.

2. Efficient product browsing: Grid view allows users to view two products at a glance, reducing the need for excessive scrolling. This efficient browsing experience is well-suited for customers who prefer a visual exploration, enabling them to quickly identify products of interest.

3. Improved engagement: By presenting products in an aesthetically pleasing manner, grid view encourages users to spend more time on the storefront page. The attractive visual layout can evoke emotions, generate interest, and increase the likelihood of further exploration and purchases.

How to change the appearance of the catalog between List View and Grid View?

To begin, follow these steps:

1. Open the Sell with Minis app.

2. Tap on "My Store" within the app.

3. Select "Appearance & info" from the options provided.

Next, proceed with the following instructions:

4. Locate and click on "Store Layout" in the menu.

5. Switch the current view from List view to Grid view and
SAVE changes.

Now, let's take a look at how your storefront will appear in both List view and Grid view.

The Minis' storefront page has been redesigned to provide users with an enhanced shopping experience, focusing on making their journey more streamlined and user-friendly. Go ahead and try this out in your seller app and choose between two different views based on your personal preference and customize the layout of your catalog. 

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