​At Minis, we are committed to providing our sellers with the most effective tools to create and manage their websites. Our goal is to offer an unparalleled experience for your customers, ensuring they return time and time again. Recent updates to our platform are designed to enhance customer engagement and drive repeat purchases, which are crucial for your business growth.

Understanding the Changes

Being a SaaS platform for building websites, our previous features (like the category view) on the Minis homepage were an experiment to explore growth avenues for our sellers. Through this, we observed an interesting trend: most of the traffic to stores was driven by the sellers' social media channels, with only 5-10% coming directly from Minis. However, the real value of the Minis page became evident in repeat purchases. Customers who used the Minis page made repeat purchases at twice the rate compared to other channels. To capitalize on this insight, we have updated the Minis page to focus on increasing these repeat purchases.

Introducing the New Activity Page

We are excited to announce the revamp of the Minis page on the Swiggy app, now known as the Activity Page. This page is designed to provide a personalized and dynamic experience for your customers, ensuring that they stay connected and engaged with your brand. Here’s a look at the key features and changes that are coming:

1. Order Tracking and Abandoned Carts

Customers will now have a comprehensive view of all their current orders and abandoned carts with your store, right on the first page. This feature allows them to easily keep track of their orders, enhancing their overall shopping experience and encouraging them to complete pending purchases.

2. New Coupons Update

Newly activated coupons will be prominently displayed on the Activity Page, ensuring that customers do not miss out on any offers you’re running. This feature not only boosts sales but also increases customer satisfaction by highlighting the value you offer.

3. New Product Addition Visibility

Whenever you add new products to your catalog, your customers will be notified immediately. This ensures that no update from your store goes unnoticed, keeping your audience informed and engaged with your latest offerings.

4. Story Highlights

Anything you post on your story highlights will also be received as updates by your customers. This feature is designed to enhance the visibility of your store’s activities, fostering a stronger connection between you and your audience.

5. Save for Later Feature

No more of being at the back of mind of customers who visit you! We will nudge these consumers to save your website and they can then visit your website any time from the Swiggy app directly.

6. Unlocking Minis for Consumers

We will now also nudge customers visiting your Minis' sites over WhatsApp as well and redirect them to Swiggy App for a smoother purchase experience in future.

And if you’re concerned whether your previous customers will still see your store, then answer is a resounding yes! Customers who have followed or ordered from your store will continue to receive updates. Your store will also appear in their order history and the Favorites section on the Activity Page. This ensures that your loyal customers remain engaged and informed about your latest offerings.

How do you attract new customers to your Minis Website?

While retaining existing customers is vital, attracting new ones is equally important for business growth. Here are some strategies to enhance your online visibility and engage with your target audience:

1. Meta Ads Integration: Utilize our Meta integration with the Swiggy Minis Seller app to run targeted ads. This increases your store's visibility and helps attract new customers. Running discounts and special offers through these ads can pique the interest of customers who are looking for value and quality.

2. Create Valuable Content: Publishing high-quality, informative content is a great way to address the needs and interests of your target audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and other content types can attract visitors to your site and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

3. Social Media Marketing: Leverage social media platforms to promote updates, offers, and engaging content regularly. This not only drives traffic to your website but also helps build a community around your brand. By consistently interacting with your audience, you can increase brand loyalty and customer retention.

4. Online Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews online. Displaying these reviews and testimonials on your social pages can build trust with potential customers, making them more likely to visit your store and make a purchase.

The updates to the Minis platform are designed to simplify the customer journey, making it easier for them to discover updates from your store. This ensures better brand recall, frequent engagement with consumers, and an increase in repeat orders. We believe this new approach will not only improve the customer experience but also benefit our sellers by helping them build closer connections with their consumers.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and improve the platform to meet your needs.

For any questions or assistance, our seller support team is here to help. Contact us at seller_support@mini.store.

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